Green Dragon<sup src=™ Apple Image" data-aos="zoom-out" data-aos-delay="200" data-aos-duration="600">

Green Dragon Apple

The Green Dragon™ brand of apple is also known as Washu 1984 and is an heirloom variety originating in Japan. The Green Dragon Apple was named after the Chinese symbol for royalty, and it resembles a lime green Golden Delicious, dotted with brown freckles. It has a firm, white, bruise-resistant flesh and a sweet, low-acid flavor with tropical undertones, such as pineapple along with a hint of pear. The sweet and crisp, juicy texture will leave your taste buds wanting more.

Freckles are normal.

Product Info

Where to Buy Frieda’s


How to Eat

Health Benefits

How to Choose

How to Store

When are they in season?

Where are they grown?

