Savory Pizza Crêpes

Serving Size


Prep Time

10 min

Cook Time

10 min


Serving Size


Prep Time

10 min

Cook Time

10 min


  • 1 package Frieda’s French Style Crêpes

  • 1 package mozzarella cheese slices or shreded mozzarella

  • 1 jar pizza sauce or tomato sauce

  • a few sprigs fresh basil 

  • pepperoni or other toppings (optional)

Frieda’s French Style Crêpes

Cooking Steps

  1. 1

    Start by adding two crepes to a lightly greased pan. 

  2. 2

    Spread a layer of pizza sauce and then layer with 1 slice of mozzarella (we sliced ours into small triangles) 

  3. 3

    Add fresh basil, pepperoni or whatever toppings you'd like.

  4. 4

    Carefully fold the crepe into a triangle, then cook on one side until golden and flip. 

  5. 5

    Repeat until done.

  6. 6

    Serve with tomato sauce as a dip and enjoy!

Where to Buy Frieda’s

Where to Buy Frieda’s