Talking ’bout Your Shoppers’ Generations

Understanding generational traits is key to staying relevant, improving shoppers’ experience, and boosting sales

LOS ALAMITOS, CA (May 2016) – Produce and floral professionals received a first-hand account of how to market to millennials at the Fresh Produce and Floral Council (FPFC) April luncheon in Cerritos, California, from an actual Millennial, Alex Jackson, Senior Account Manager of Frieda’s Specialty Produce.

“Different generations shop differently and think differently,” said Jackson. “You need to understand your shoppers’ core beliefs to stay relevant.”

Traditionalists were born before 1946. “The Silent Generation” spends the least amount of money during shopping trips, but takes the most time going through the store.

Baby Boomers, currently the largest generation, were born between 1946 and 1964. They like sales and bargains, but at the same time don’t mind spending on the brands they are loyal to. While they are getting more tech savvy, personal touches like helpful produce managers and cheery cashiers keep them loyal to stores.

Born between 1965 and 1980, Generation X is a highly independent generation, but still holds buying power. Gen Xers are willing to go with a new brand if they are won over by superior quality and exemplary customer service.

Millennials are the next wave of influential shoppers. Born between 1981 and 2000, they will be 50 percent of the workforce by the year 2020 and will spend more than $200 billion annually, starting in 2017. Millennials are loyal to brands that treat them well, offer new experiences, and are aligned with their beliefs.

“Companies in all industries are making changes to their branding to appeal to my generation, the Millennials,” said Jackson. “But to make your stores relevant to us, it takes more than just changing the look—you have to be a company we can believe in.”

Using this generational marketing angle, companies like Frieda’s have redesigned their packaging to appeal to Millennial shoppers without alienating other generations. By focusing on inspiring new food experiences for friends, families, and food lovers everywhere, Frieda’s brand not only offers culinary adventures to Millennials, but to all the generations before them.

Interested retailers, wholesalers, and foodservice distributors can contact Frieda’s account managers to explore its new branding and discover trending products.

About Frieda’s Inc.

Frieda’s Specialty Produce celebrates a 54-year legacy of inspiring new food experiences for friends, family, and food lovers everywhere. Credited with introducing more than 200 specialty fruits and vegetables to U.S. supermarkets, Frieda’s has helped launch unique items like kiwi fruits, Stokes Purple® sweet potatoes, habanero peppers, Sunchokes®, and organic finger limes. Founded in 1962 by produce industry icon Dr. Frieda Rapoport Caplan, subject of the 2015 documentary “Fear No Fruit,” the family company is now owned and operated by Frieda’s daughters, Karen Caplan and Jackie Caplan Wiggins, in Orange County, California. Find Frieda’s on Facebook, @FriedasProduce, and Inspire. Taste. Love.
